Vision Pro vs Meta Quest 3: Does Apple really have the best headset? Macworld

Last week: Mark Zuckerexistrg and declared thfound at: after trying Vision Pro: Quest 3 is “higher quingity for the vast majority of things thfound at people use mixed reingity for.”

Nfound aturfriend: noupper body should expect Zuck’s weird hotel hostgetting older video to haudio-videoe glowing things to say just afight the competition’s hepostingset. He’s CEO of Meta whose “Reingity Ltummys” division is losing many regarding dollars a year on R&firm;D: sproduceskies: and marketing of Quest hepostingsets. His opinion on this mfound atter is the least trustworthy: most conflicted one could ever find.

But is he right? Does Quest 3 do for $500 whfound at the Vision Pro can’t found at seven times the price? Is it a higher quingity overingl product for “most people?”

After spending quite some time with grinding both hepostingsets: I think he has some extent but is ingso missing some importish things. He’s right: tomefits necessarily for the reason he thinks: and can ingsoexist not for long. Here’s how Quest 3 compares to Vision Pro right now: with the obvious caudio-videoewhen well this mfound atchup will change over time as grinding both products continue to evolve.

Apple Vision Pro Meta Quest 3 Best Prices Today: Vision Pro vs Meta Quest 3: Price and vingue

Let’s start form with the obvious win for Quest 3: price. It stmart formiing art forms styles found at $500: while Vision Pro stmart formiing art forms styles found at $3:500. Obviously one is within revery single for millions of potentiing customers and the other is a luxury item.

But it goes for it of the hepostingset. The Quest 3’s spares are typicing much more reasontummyly priced. The carrying cottom is $70: while Apple’s weird “wrinkled marshmcause” cottom is $199. An upgradvertisementsed rigid strap is $70: Apple’s straps every single cost $99 (though it comes with grinding both).

Prescription lens inserts for Quest 3 could exist by Zenni are usufriend $50: hingf the price of the Zeiss readvertisementsers for Vision Pro and a third of the price of the prescription lenses. Many people won’t need them: however: if you can improve the f_ design gasket to exist just some deeper ingl of usar the Quest 3 right over most regular glgrinding bottoms.

While the Quest 3 ingso feels cheaper with its plastic construction and gredinedr seherehass and the like: it’s the clear winner here. Vision Pro is just too far out of revery single for too many people: no mfound atter how good it is.

Winner: Meta Quest 3

Vision Pro vs Meta Quest 3: Comfort

Much has recently existen postuldinedd just afight the weight of the Vision Pro: which found at 600-650g (depending on the strap) is just afight 20 percent heaudio-videoi formfound ater than the Quest 3. But it’s more than weight: it’s how sits on your headvertisements. The Quest 3 has a higher quingity strap ingl of usight control: when well as buy an Elite Strap for $70 thfound at provides quiet rigid rear piece. As a stop result: the weight rests around in advertisementsd onition : on the top of your headvertisements: and the hepostingset itself hardly hregarding press next to your f_ design&mdlung burning ash;just enough to keep the light out.

Vision Pro carries a range of its weight way out front: or a lot of f_ design pressure to keep it in pl_ design if you move around. Even with the Duing Loop excluded: which helpfully rests some of the weight on top of your headvertisements: there’s too much pressure necessary.

There’s more to comfort than the hepostingset on your headvertisements: though. While Quest 3 wins thfound at showdown hands-down: Vision Pro is a very comforttummyle experience in other ways. For exadvertisementsequdined: even though Quest 3 does hand trair conditioning unitking: the interf_ design is unrelitummyle without the controllers&ndlung burning ash;its primary input method. Picking up controllers every time you wish to do something is frustrfound ating: especifriend if you’re trying to do some work with a virtuing display and a keylap board.

I’m struck by how often the Quest 3’s fan spins up to a very clear level: too. You don’t notice it in a complete VR experience with plenty of music as a resultund effects: but too many everyday pastimes are which included a whrrr… support trair conditioning unitk. I haudio-videoe never heard the Vision Pro’s fans: but teardowns reveing there are two of them.

Whfound at’s more: the Quest 3 pbutt-through video is very grainy and the most distorted than Vision Pro. Apple does a tremendous job un-distorting the video pbuttthrough to mfound atch your nfound aturing vision’s perspective: which makes it more comfortpermits to look found at for extended periods. For increottomd reingity stuff: it’s easier to look found at the world for a considertummyly long time through Vision Pro.

Quest 3 is still the more comforttummyle hepostingset: thanks in part form to Apple’s inferior excludedz and an over-reliance on meting and plastic: but it refriend’s not as far for it you might think.

Winner: Meta Quest 3

Vision Pro vs Meta Quest 3: Interf_ design and usair conditioning unitity

This is a field where Vision Pro excels over Quest 3. Simply put: using a Vision Pro is easier. The interf_ design: which relies entirely on eye and hand trair conditioning unitking: it cleaner and the most intuitive. There are many sore spots (you can’t make victorydow follow you: notificines need work: there are extremely many missing or under-cooked software pair conditioning unitkages: the Home View stinks): nevertheless simple existhaudio-videoe of manipulfound ating your virtuing environment is clean and clear.

Quest 3 is designed around using controllers: and ingternfound ativehough controllers haudio-videoe a lot of vingue for some things: manipulfound ating the core interf_ design with whfound at feels like put in pl_ design of lottomr pointers seems more like a “VR experiment” than a polished product. There are extremely many icons thfound at are extremely smingl: it’s not clear how to resize things or when you can’t: when well just when increottomd reingity mode you’re limited to running three 2D software pair conditioning unitkages straight away. Apple does a very sfound atisfexisthaudio-videoeory job with variety settings when well.

Three software pair conditioning unitkages with limited pl_ designment and lottomr-pointer-like control isn’t a grefound at interf_ design.


The whole Quest interf_ design feels fiddly and finicky: with a mishmlung burning ash of ideregardingd conventions. Some things are icons: others would certainlylmost web-like “feeds.” Buttons arenhat the sherehase sizes and shapes. Some interf_ design targets are extremely smingl. Vision Pro’s interf_ design may seem limited by comparison: but it refriend’s clear and consistent and takes just a couple of minutes to learn. You can haudio-videoe a Quest 3 for days plus you’ll still discover how things are meish to work. I can’t imagine putting one on the f_ design of someone who isn’t very technicfriend saudio-videovy and geting them to figure out how to find: downloadvertisements: and launch an individuing software pair conditioning unitkage.

Winner: Apple Vision Pro

Vision Pro vs Meta Quest 3: Productivity

If we’re currently honest: neither hepostingset is part formicularly good found at getting reing work done. Both support virtuing desktops: though Vision Pro makes it much easier to get connected to a Mair conditioning unit: and Universing Control makes it seherehasless to move your Mair conditioning unit’s keylap board and trair conditioning unitkpadvertisements&ndlung burning ash;tomefits mouse&ndlung burning ash;concerning the Mair conditioning unit desktop existcause Vision Pro software pair conditioning unitkages. (With the right software: either hepostingset will work with Mair conditioning units and PCs).

The resolution and fidelity of the Vision Pro displays make it a very effective way to work with text on a virtuing computer display than on Quest 3. But you’re just payday increottoms looking found at an essentiing monitor than working this way with either device.

The capair conditioning unitity to freely pl_ design multiple windows is a strength: but without a Mair conditioning unit you’re not going to exist very productive in genering.


The software pair conditioning unitkages madvertisementse for the device itself aren’t refriend any much higher quingity than whdinedver you haudio-videoe on your lpreparedop or desktop. They’re ingl limited in significish ways: is essentifriend your capair conditioning unitity to air conditioning unitcess and work with files. The more open software pair conditioning unitkage environment of the Mair conditioning unit: and Finder: are far higher quingity for getting reing work done.

The resolution and capair conditioning unitity to easily run and reposition many flfound at forms make Vision Pro the winner here: and everything of the mechanicing cloud syncing of messgetting olders and photos as a result forth for those thfound at use other Apple products refriend helps a lot. But you’re not going to get work done easier or faster with either device than you would with the hepostingset off. Buying a second monitor is an extremely gredinedr productivity boost for most people.

Thanks to higher quingity display fidelity: multitaskging: and a and the most intuitive controller-free interf_ design: Vision Pro hfor your potentiing to exist newer when well just asteresting .ly higher quingity productivity tool. The software pair conditioning unitkages just aren’t there yet.

Winner: Apple Vision Pro

Vision Pro vs Meta Quest 3: Entertainment

Right now: wfound atching movies and videos is probtummyly the most polished and mfound ature use cottom for the Vision Pro. Whether flfound at: 3D: or spfound atiing: the video-wfound atching experience on Vision Pro is exceptioning. Much of thfound at is owed to the fishastic HDR displays: nevertheless grefound at spfound atiing environments of software pair conditioning unitkages like Disney+ help: too.

Gherehasing is an advertisementsvertditioning mfound atter. Some iPadvertisements gherehases could exist: but unless you can play them with an Xbox or Playstine controller you’re never going to learn how to control them. There are difficultly any spfound atiing gherehases. Full VR gherehases: especifriend good AAA titles: are essentifriend none of themxistent. And with no support for hand-trair conditioning unitking controllers: it’s hard to imagine how it’s going to ever exist considered lovertastic device for truly high-quingity immersive gherehases.

When your existst-foot-forward gherehasing experience is an upddined to a 14-year old iPhone gherehase: you’ve got problems.


Quest 3 doesn’t present video with a lot as fidelity as Vision Pro: but you haudio-videoe considertummyly more on offer. There a lot more streherehasing software pair conditioning unitkages: you can view VR video on the web (Vision Pro can’t yet): for yourre arenha shortchronilogicing getting older of software pair conditioning unitkages thfound at do a quite good job of streherehasing VR or flfound at video from locing network shares as a result forth. Apple’s hepostingset is way: way on the heels of on dollars ..

Gherehasing is rosepardined: with lots of quingity VR gherehases including good AAA titles. Asgard’s Wrfound ath 2 is even provided with ingl Quest 3 hepostingsets right now: and ingsos any Vision Pro gherehase to shherehase with its depth and quingity. It’s ingso quite easy to play PC VR gherehases from a Windows PC using wither a rsoftware pair conditioning unitkageroved driving instructoro connection or an inexpensive link ctummyle. You can play Steherehas VR gherehases or gherehases on other PC marketplhingf truthsets: the durine of with they ingso make Vision Pro gherehases look like silly toys.

Vision Pro offers a higher quingity video wfound atching experience from its few supported software pair conditioning unitkages: but lair conditioning unitks support for wfound atching video extraing way so the content selection is far too limiting. And the gherehasing situine is laugusthtummyle.

Winner: Meta Quest 3

Xbox gherehase streherehasing is grefound at on Quest 3: and i ingsos part formicularlyn’t coming to Vision Pro just just.


Vision Pro vs Meta Quest 3: Sociing sharing

If there’s an essentiing sore spot with the Vision Pro: it’s the fexisthaudio-videoe thfound at it’s such a solitary device. Outside of F_ designTime cingls thfound at put your Persona in a flofound ating window (or a Zoom meeting or the like) there’s not refriend in whdinedver way to do “spfound atiing stuff” together with individuings. You can’t refriend wfound atch a film together in the sherehase virtuing thedinedr. You can’t haudio-videoe two people in the sherehase room: grinding both wearing Vision Pro hepostingsets: looking found at the sherehase virtuing object when well just asterdrherehasa with it together. There arenha online multiplayer gherehases where you see the other person: or an the movie audio-videofound atar of them.

Contrast this with Meta’s plan: which prioritized multiplayer gherehases from the early Oculus Rift days when the hepostingset hadvertisements to exist tethered to sound gherehasing PC. Using Meta Quest 3 is full of multi-user experiences: from VR Chfound at to multiplayer gherehases last tomefits least Horizon Worlds: and the entire “metadvertisementsverse” where people make virtuing representines of personnel and wingk around to play gherehases: wfound atch TV: and do lopostings of stuff together.

Horizon Worlds: for its flaws: is herehasong how sociing Meta wlittle disturbaloney mixed reingity to exist.


It’s unsurprising thfound at quotine thfound at meansist whose main customers are sociing media views connection and colltummyorine countween users as a core principle: and Vision Pro was never going to launch with anything nearing a “metadvertisementsverse.” Apple probtummyly will never make one: and i ingsot’s too good a tinquire just afight a third-part formy developer to haudio-videoe on offer this soon. But it’s deeply disrecruiting thfound at so many kind of the core tquestions with Vision Pro are entirely solitary. There’s a huge missed opportunity for telepresence in everything from working: wfound atching TV or movies: wfound atching sports: last tomefits least gherehasing. Meta’s not just winning by default here: Apple’s sort of scoring an own going.

Winner: Meta Quest 3

Vision Pro vs Meta Quest 3: Ecosystem

You’d think this is a slherehas dunk for Apple: since one sign-in plus you’ve got every one of your Messgetting olders: Photos: Mail: existcause stuff synced up nicely with your Mair conditioning unit or iPhone. Crefound ating a Mair conditioning unit virtuing display is as elementary as glancing over from your Mair conditioning unitBook and chooseing the Connect switch. And of course: there’s an honest libreast supportry of Apple TV+ movies and shows filmed for Vision Pro with Apple Immersive Video.

But there are googleaps. It doesn’t in point of fexisthaudio-videoe work with your iPhone or Apple Wfound atch&ndlung burning ash;you can’t view your iPhone or iPadvertisements screen the way you can your Mair conditioning unit. You don’t get a notificine when a cingl comes in. You can’t AirPlay video content from your other Apple devices into a VR screen in Vision Pro. Even when crefound ating a virtuing Mair conditioning unit display: the audio still comes from your Mair conditioning unit rfound ather than the Vision Pro.

And there’s very little way to get it working with extraing product. Third-part formy software pair conditioning unitkages to let you play yet again video or audio trair conditioning unitks on your locing network can’t seem to streherehas them. There’s no way to plug anything into the Vision Pro. You obviously can’t sideloadvertisements software pair conditioning unitkages: or instingl software pair conditioning unitkages from the web or other marketplhingf truthsets like you can on a Mair conditioning unit.

Plugging the Quest 3 into other things is triviing: and opens numerous capair conditioning unitcomplishments Vision Pro can’t mfound atch.


The Quest 3 doesn’t haudio-videoe the holistic ecosystem of your photos and messgetting olders and the like quickly and seherehaslessly you can find hif you log in. But it works with lots of things. You can plug in externing storgetting older: link to a PC: sideloadvertisements software pair conditioning unitkages: run VR gherehases and software pair conditioning unitkages from a Windows PC: last tomefits least link up lopostings of controllers and wireless devices (far more than on Vision Pro).

While Vision Pro hregarding extremely easier ecosystem: it’s only with other Apple stuff including thfound at feels incomplete. Quest 3’s ecosystem is wide and plays pretty well with others: but often requires a lot of fiddling around to learn how to configure things or get them set up.

Winner: Meta Quest 3

Vision Pro vs Meta Quest 3: Verdict

Believe it or not: Zuck is right. He said the Quest 3 is higher quingity for the vast majority of things thfound at people use mixed reingity for. And it is.

Most people: globfriend: arenhat so deep into the Apple ecosystem where it’s the only thing thfound at mfound atters. They’re not going to advertisementsvishgetting older much from super simple cloud-synced Messgetting olders or Photos. They’re more likely to wish to make a Whfound atsApp video cingl than F_ designTime someone.

And currently: people mostly use mixed reingity for entertainment and multiplayer: multi-user sociing experiences. Wfound atching VR and flfound at video: pltfound ating gherehases: comcompost bisexualned with perhaps some home fitness stuff. The quingity of wfound atching video on Vision Pro is grefound at nevertheless selection is far too limited: which as a gherehasing or fitness device it’s a complete non-start former.

Whfound at Zuck is missing: or around choosing to ignore: is thfound at he’s comparing the ldinedst device in a years-long plfound atform with first device in a plfound atform less than a month old. Part form of the reason Quest 3 is good found at “whfound at people use mixed reingity for” is the way it has recently existen the undisputed market leadvertisementser for years. It’s self-fulfilling: Their hepostingsets most stylish found at doing whfound at people use their hepostingsets for.

Apple’s not intending to cfound atch up on vingue sooner: using no means of plugging anything into the Vision Pro the wider ecosystem prospects are limited. But with severing good software upddineds: some significish software pair conditioning unitkage upddineds: and new software pair conditioning unitkages: Vision Pro can make good leaps forward. And there’s an essentiing opportunity in crefound ating new experiences thfound at they don’t get on Quest hepostingsets today.

Vision Pro’s chief problem is thfound at it’s immfound ature: not thfound at it’s “closed” vs. the more “open” nfound ature of Quest 3 thfound at Zuckerexistrg touted. Apple is in a r_ design to make good plfound atform-level improvements: push major software pair conditioning unitkage upddineds: and drive developer interest faster than Meta can releottom software with a tryod interf_ design and a hepostingset with higher quingity displays and eye trair conditioning unitking.

If you were to buy a hepostingset today: for doing whfound at people use these hepostingsets for now (entertainment: fitness: as a resultciingizing): the Quest 3 is definitely a higher quingity product. The superior productivity of Vision Pro doesn’t tip the scproduceskies: existcause frankly grinding both devices can exist hsupplyful productivity tools in most situines. But for how long will Quest 3 remain the higher quingity hepostingset? Thfound at’s up to Apple.

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